ShipTection Policy
Policy Administered by:
Online Shipping Insurance Services, Inc. DBA InsureShip
3211 Cahuenga West Suite #200
Los Angeles CA 90068
License #0G55434
ShipTection is powered by InsureShip and underwritten by The Navigators Group and The Hartford, with an A.M. Best Rating A+ “Excellent”. ShipTection is not an insurance company; InsureShip handles all ShipTection claims.
This coverage insures the parcel and its contents against damage or loss from any external cause while in transit to, or from, premises utilized by the insured and in care, custody, or control of the carriers. Underwriters shall be liable for the invoice value of the property lost, destroyed, or damaged. If there is no invoice, Underwriters shall be liable for the Actual Cash Value (ACV) which is replacement cost less depreciation.
Coverage Limits
PARCEL LIMIT: $5,000.00
Items Not Covered By Insurance
Televisions are not insurable unless endorsed.
Complete Excluded-Commodities List:
Bulk Products
Computer Chips
Fine Art
Fresh Foods
Live Animals
Memory Devices
Negotiable Papers
Precious Stones
Precious Metals
Merchandise shipped in consignment, memorandum, or approval unless shipped in fulfillment of an order or request.
Filling Time Frames
Time to File: 90 Days from Date of Shipment
Lost Shipments: Wait 14 Days Domestic; 30 Days International Shipment
Damaged Shipments: Can Be Filed Immediately
Required Documents
Online Claim Form
Proof of Value (Sales/Purchase Invoice)
Recipient Statement of Non-Receipt or Damage
(If Applicable) Pictures of Damage, repair estimate, or salvage value. Failure to hold damaged property until claim is resolved will result in the claim being denied
Claim Processing Info
Fax: (877) 859-5858
Mail: 3211 Cahuenga Blvd W. #200 Los Angeles, CA 90068
Review: 5 - 7 Business Days, add additional 3 business days if documents are requested
Payment : Will be made to the InsureShip account holder
Claims Phone: (866) 701-3654
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:00pm PST
Countries Not Covered By Insurance
Excluded countries: Afghanistan, Angola, Bolivia, Burma, Iran, Iraq, Congo, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Nigeria, North Korea, Paraguay, Somalia, Syria, Zimbabwe, Russia, Ukraine, and any other Country that is or may become Embargoed by the United States or United Nations as sanctioned by the Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC).
Excluded Events / Perils
Loss, damage, or non-arrival of any parcel or the contents of said parcel which is:
Addressed, wrapped, or packed insufficiently, incorrectly or contrary to the packaging requirements of the carrier being used by the Insured.
Bears a descriptive label or packaging describing the nature of the parcel’s contents.
Contains personal goods1 shipped to accommodate an employer, employee, or individual.
Shipped using the only the original manufacturers box. 1 Shipping goods not related to business that are personal to the employee or employer.
Loss or Damage caused by:
Changes in Temperature or Humidity
Clean Up Costs
Confiscation or Destruction under Customs Regulations
Confiscation by any government or public authority
Failure to follow carrier or government regulation(s) or requirments
Hostile or Warlike Action ( during peace and war)
Illegal contraband
Illegal Transportation of Trade
Inherent Vice10
Latent Defect11
Loss of Market
Nuclear Exclusion
Other Deterioration
Over Acts by Insured, Associate in Interest, or Insured’s Employees, whether occurring during hours of employment or otherwise
Remote or Consequential Loss (Arising or not arising out of peril insured against
Delivering the product to someone who obtains or attempts to obtain it by trick, false pretense, or other fraudulent schemes
Coverage Conditions
Against loss or damage caused by or arising out of; a) hostile or warlike action in times of both peace and war, including action hindering, combating, or defending against an actual impending or expected attack; b) any weapon of combat employing atomic fission/fusion or any other radioactive force in times of both war and peace; c) insurrection, rebellion, revolution, civil war, usurped power, or action taken by government authority in hindering, combating or defending against such an occurrence, seizure or destruction under quarantine or customs regulations, confiscation by order of any government or public authority or risks of contraband or illegal transportation of trade. Nuclear Exclusion. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, it is hereby understood and agreed that this policy shall not apply to any loss, damage, or expense due to or resulting from, whether directly or indirectly, nuclear reaction, radiation, or radioactive contamination, no matter what its cause. It is warranted by the Insured that all parcels under this coverage will be shipped in accordance with all regulations of the carrier and amendments thereof.
The deductible, if any, shall be deducted from the amount of the claim or liability limit, whichever is less, on a “per parcel” basis and borne by the Insured. The Insured is responsible for (and entitled to) collecting any amount for which the carrier may be liable.
The Insured must wait 14 days for domestic, 30 days for international shipments, to file for non-delivery claims. If damaged, the Insured may file a notice of damage with InsureShip immediately. Concealed Damage12 must be reported within 14 business days. All claims must be filed within 90 days of shipment to be honored. The Insured will submit a completed InsureShip claim form, copy of the original invoice to the Consignee13 / original invoice from the shipper, whichever is applicable, a signed and dated statement from the consignee / receiving party, proof of damage if applicable and any additional documentation requested to substantiate the loss. Coverage does not include handling fees and insurance fees. All damaged property for which payment (not repair costs), or replacement costs have been made, must, on request, be returned to the Underwriters. Failure to hold the damaged property until the claim is fully resolved will result in the claim's being denied.
The Insured will have one (1) year from the date of the shipment to furnish any required and/or additional documentation requested by InsureShip in order for the Insured to substantiate said claim. Should the Insured fail to provide the required and/or additional documentation within one (1) year from the ship date, the Insured’s claim will be denied. Any covered loss will be promptly paid to the Insured or their assignee after notice of loss or damage and the required documentation has been received and accepted by Underwriters in accordance with all terms and conditions of this coverage, unless property is replaced, at the option of the Underwriters, with like kind, function, and quality.
Upon payment for loss or damage, the Underwriters shall be subrogated to all the rights of the Insured including whatever money may be recoverable. This payment excludes applicable deductible amounts corresponding to the claim settlement on account of said loss or damage from the carrier, or any of the carrier’s employees or agents, or from any other person or corporation whatsoever. The Insured specifically covenants and agrees to aid the company in all manners possible to aid in securing reimbursement of said loss or damage. In the event the carrier admits to fraudulent activity from the carrier’s employees, the Insured will take action against the carrier and not hold InsureShip responsible for claims associated with said activity.
No suit, action or proceedings for the recovery of any claim under this coverage shall be sustainable in any court of law or entity unless the respective action is commenced within twelve (12) months after discovery by the Insured of the issue giving rise to the claim, provided however, that said time limitation is invalid. In that case any such claim shall be void.
The Insured or the Underwriters may terminate any users from this policy coverage at any time by giving fifteen (15) days written notice thereof, provided that such termination does not impact a shipment already in transit. Mailed or emailed notice of cancellation sent to the Insured at the last known address shall be deemed sufficient compliance with the conditions of this clause on the part of the Underwriters.
ShipTection - Fraud Policy
By purchasing ShipTection, you certify that all information provided is accurate and truthful. Any fraudulent claim will make the shipper and/or consignee liable for prosecution for mail fraud under federal crime code.
(Bulk Shipments) Items shipped without packaging in large quantities loaded directly into a box or a transports container.
(Cotton) Cotton in its raw/unprocessed form.
(Cash-in-Transit) Banknotes, coins, credit cards.
(Fine Art) One-of-a-Kind paintings, sculptures, drawings.
(Memory Devices) Solid State Hard Drives, Hard Disk Drives, Computer Memory, SD Cards.
(Negotiable Papers) Checks, Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange.
(Precious Stones) Loose diamonds, ruby, sapphire, emeralds, not mounted or fixed in jewelry items.
(Precious Metals) Valuable metals such as gold, silver, platinum and palladium. Exclusion doesn’t apply to jewelry.
(OFAC) Office of Foreign Asset Control:
(Inherent Vice) A quality in property that causes it to deteriorate, damage or destroy itself.
(Latent Defect) Hidden defect in item and/or workmanship that may cause failure or malfunction which is not discoverable through general inspection.
(Concealed Damage) Damage that could not have been determined at the time of delivery is discovered by the consignee. Example: If there is no visible damage to the outer packaging, but damage is discovered once opened.
(Consignee) the recipient of the goods being shipped.